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NPC Placer

Config file


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Config = {
npcs = {
position = vector4(x, y, z, heading), -- NPC position X, Y, Z, Heading
model = "modelName", -- NPC model (here is a list of all models
animation = { -- Animation list : (dict in bold, animation name in regular)
enable = true, -- Activate the animation for the NPC
dict = "dictName", -- Dictionary associated to the animation
name = "animationName" -- Animation's name
props = {
enable = true, -- Activate the use of a prop for the NPC
list = {
model = "propName", -- Model of the prop
position = vec3(x, y, z), -- Position of the prop relative to the NPC
rotation = vec3(x, y, z) -- Rotation of the prop relative to the NPC
position = vector4(461.288, -1691.799, 29.28, 225.0), -- NPC position X, Y, Z, Heading
model = "csb_trafficwarden", -- NPC model (here is a list of all models
animation = { -- Animation list : (dict in bold, animation name in regular)
enable = true, -- Activate the animation for the NPC
dict = "mp_player_intdrink", -- Dictionary associated to the animation
name = "loop_bottle" -- Animation's name
props = {
enable = true, -- Activate the use of a prop for the NPC
list = {
model = "prop_ld_flow_bottle", -- Model of the prop
position = vec3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01), -- Position of the prop relative to the NPC
rotation = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5) -- Rotation of the prop relative to the NPC
position = vector4(459.71, -1691.42, 29.28, 319.87), -- NPC position X, Y, Z, Heading
model = "ig_andreas", -- NPC model (here is a list of all models
animation = { -- Animation list : (dict in bold, animation name in regular)
enable = true, -- Activate the animation for the NPC
dict = "amb@world_human_drinking@coffee@male@base", -- Dictionary associated to the animation
name = "base" -- Animation's name
props = {
enable = true, -- Activate the use of a prop for the NPC
list = {
model = "p_amb_brolly_01", -- Model of the prop
bone = 57005, -- Bone associated to the prop
position = vec3(0.15, 0.005, 0.0), -- Position of the prop relative to the NPC
rotation = vec3(87.0, -20.0, 180.0) -- Rotation of the prop relative to the NPC
position = vector4(458.3, -1690.5, 29.28, 343.25), -- NPC position X, Y, Z, Heading
model = "s_m_y_airworker", -- NPC model (here is a list of all models
animation = { -- Animation list : (dict in bold, animation name in regular)
enable = true, -- Activate the animation for the NPC
dict = "missheistdockssetup1clipboard@base", -- Dictionary associated to the animation
name = "base" -- Animation's name
props = {
enable = true, -- Activate the use of a prop for the NPC
list = {
model = "prop_notepad_01", -- Model of the prop
bone = 18905, -- Bone associated to the prop
position = vec3(0.1, 0.02, 0.05), -- Position of the prop relative to the NPC
rotation = vec3(10.0, 0.0, 0.0) -- Rotation of the prop relative to the NPC
model = "prop_pencil_01", -- Model of the prop
bone = 58866, -- Bone associated to the prop
position = vec3(0.11, -0.02, 0.001), -- Position of the prop relative to the NPC
rotation = vec3(-120.0, 0.0, 0.0) -- Rotation of the prop relative to the NPC