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Garage System



We highly recommend you to read carefully each step written below.

Don't skip any step, it could lead to a non-functioning script.

Follow these steps to install the script

  1. Download this pmc-instance (fork by myself) (Go to the button "Code" > "Download ZIP")
  2. Unzip the downloaded file and drag the pmc-instance (rename it like this if it's not already th case) folder into your resources directory.
  3. Download menuv
  4. Unzip the downloaded file and drag the menuv (rename it like this if it's not already th case) folder into your resources directory.
  5. Download the Garage script from KeyMaster.
  6. Download the "Library" script from KeyMaster.
  7. Drag the s1n_garages folder into your resources directory.
  8. Rename the s1n_garages-.... folder to s1n_garages.
  9. Drag the s1n_lib folder into your resources directory.
  10. Rename the s1n_lib-.... folder to s1n_lib.
  11. Start pmc-instance by adding start pmc-instance to your server.cfg file.
  12. Start menuv by adding start menuv to your server.cfg file.
  13. Start the library by adding start s1n_lib to your server.cfg file.
  14. Start the garage system by adding start s1n_garages to your server.cfg file.
  15. Configure the script by modifying the values in the config.lua file located in the s1n_garages script folder.
  16. Configure the library by modifying the values in all the files contained in the configuration/ folder located in the s1n_lib/ script folder.


By default there is three language translations, french, english and german that you can find in the languages directory. To load the one you want, please modify the fxmanifest file and change the "languages/english.lua" to whatever file in LUA with same structure.


server/api.lua will allow you to:

  • custom what happens when you disconnect from the server
  • custom the verification for plate ownership

client/utils.lua will allow you to:

  • custom format money
  • custom notifications
  • custom remove vehicle logic
  • custom the way to get vehicle properties
  • custom the way to set vehicle properties