Config file
There is also a config file in s1n_garage/sv_config.lua
that you can modify to your liking.
Need help with the script ? Go into the support Discord
A verification that you bought the script will be necessary.
For all Y positions, you need to remove 1 in order to have the correct position of your player's feet. If it's not correct, there will be problems.
Config = {
debugMode = true, -- Create messages on F8 (client-side) and the terminal (server-side) in order to verify the script's logic. Requires for developers.
framework = {
-- The name of the framework you are using (qb-core, esx-legacy, esx-old)
name = "esx-legacy",
triggers = {
-- If you still use the old versions of ESX, you can change the trigger name here.
esxSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject",
resourceNames = {
-- If you use qb-core, you can change the resource name here.
qbCore = "qb-core",
-- If you use ESX, you can change the resource name here.
esx = "es_extended",
exportNames = {
s1nLib = "s1n_lib",
useImpoundSystem = false, -- If you use my impound system set this to true in order to avoid conflict.
teleportToGarageExitOnDisconnect = true, -- If someone disconnect from the server in a garage, set to true will teleport him to the nearest garage exit.
npcs = { -- List of NPCs
position = vector3(109.24, -636.58, 44.24), -- Position of the NPC
heading = 71.00, -- Heading of the NPC
model = "csb_reporter", -- Model of the NPC
useDistance = 2.0, -- Distance between the Player and the NPC in order to interact with it.
blipColor = 69, -- Color of the blip (on the map)
blipSprite = 369, -- Sprite of the blip (on the map), list of all blips :
blipText = "Garage seller" -- Text of the blip (on the map)
The [id] = {name, price..} is crucial. The id represent the garage, do not modify it or the player's will have different garages.
When you add a garage, add 1 to the id in order to increase it. Look at the examples below.
To help you create garages, GTA default garages positions are:
2 places: 179.08 -1001.49 -99.0
6 places: 206.25 -1018.36 -99.0
8 places: 240.55 -1004.81 -98.98
Many places (+10): 1581.1120 -567.2450 85.5
garages = { -- 2 Examples of differents types of GTA garages
[1] = { -- ID of the garage
name = "47 Grove Polow", -- Name of the garage
price = 2500, -- Price of the garage
salePourcentage = 0.2, -- Percentage of the sale that the player will receive. (0.2 means he will get 20% of the purchase price of the garage)
friendlyfire = false, -- false = you will be invincible in the garage, true = the opposite
blipPosition = vector3(37.13, -907.6, 30.92), -- Blip position of the garage (on the map)
blipText = "Garage - 2 places", -- Blip text of the garage (on the map)
blipColor = 5, -- Blip color of the garage (on the map)
blipSprite = 357, -- Blip sprite of the garage (on the map)
-- IMPORTANT: Always keep the decimal numbers otherwise it won't work
camera = {position = vector3(40.9, -892.58, 33.69), heading = 168.1}, -- Camera position in the menu
spawnCoords = {position = vector3(179.08, -1001.49, -99.0), heading = 177.15}, -- Spawn position in the garage
leaveSpawnCoords = {position = vector3(41.07, -899.18, 29.98), heading = 353.69}, -- Exit garage position with or without vehicle (keep it in mind, you must have enough spaces)
-- IMPORTANT: be careful with the positions in order to verify that all types of vehicle can spawn !
vehiclePositions = { -- Number of positions is related to the number of places in the garage
{position = vector3(174.94, -1004.14, -99.00), heading = 182.46}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(171.71, -1004.23, -99.00), heading = 182.46}, -- Position of a vehicle
inviteFriends = {
areaPosition = vector3(38.51, -901.61, 29.99), -- Position where you want the friends to be before you invite them to your garage
areaDetectPlayers = 30.0, -- Area around the position in order to detect players who wants to got into your garage when they being invited.
manageGarage = { -- All information about the marker to manage the garage (sell and invite friends)
marker = {
type = 20, -- Marker type (see for the list)
useDistance = 1.5, -- Distance between the Player and the marker in order to interact with it.
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.0), -- Size of the marker in X, Y, Z size
color = vector3(120, 120, 240), -- Color of the marker in R, G, B
position = vector3(177.03, -1008.2, -99.0) -- Position of the marker
whitelistVehicles = { -- Want to just whitelist certain vehicles for a specific garage ? It's here !
enable = false, -- false = whitelist system disable, true = whitelist system enable
vehicles = { -- whitelist vehicles list with hash (a hash is the number that represents the vehicle)
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash
blackListVehicles = { -- Hash list of vehicles blacklist from the garage, a hash is the number that represents the vehicle
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash
[2] = { -- ID of the garage
name = "126 Pressing Glow", -- Name of the garage
price = 1500, -- Price of the garage
salePourcentage = 0.2, -- Percentage of the sale that the player will receive. (0.2 means he will get 20% of the purchase price of the garage)
friendlyfire = false, -- false = you will be invincible in the garage, true = the opposite
blipPosition = vector3(-70.68, -1822.7, 26.94), -- Blip position of the garage (on the map)
blipText = "Garage - 6 places", -- Blip text of the garage (on the map)
blipColor = 5, -- Blip color of the garage (on the map)
blipSprite = 357, -- Blip sprite of the garage (on the map)
-- IMPORTANT: Always keep the decimal numbers otherwise it won't work
camera = {position = vector3(-64.6, -1836.39, 30.85), heading = 27.17}, -- Camera position in the menu
spawnCoords = {position = vector3(207.18, -1018.33, -99.0), heading = 100.0}, -- Spawn position in the garage
leaveSpawnCoords = {position = vector3(-64.68, -1832.71, 26.87), heading = 229.11}, -- Exit garage position with or without vehicle (keep it in mind, you must have enough spaces)
-- IMPORTANT: be careful with the positions in order to verify that all types of vehicle can spawn !
vehiclePositions = { -- Number of positions is related to the number of places in the garage
{position = vector3(193.09, -1016.6, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(193.09, -1023.66, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(197.86, -1023.66, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(197.86, -1016.6, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(203.39, -1016.6, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(203.39, -1023.54, -99.3), heading = 180.0}, -- Position of a vehicle
inviteFriends = {
areaPosition = vector3(-70.68, -1822.7, 26.94), -- Position where you want the friends to be before you invite them to your garage
areaDetectPlayers = 30.0, -- Area around the position in order to detect players who wants to got into your garage when they being invited.
manageGarage = { -- All information about the marker to manage the garage (sell and invite friends)
marker = {
type = 20, -- Marker type (see for the list)
useDistance = 1.5, -- Distance between the Player and the marker in order to interact with it.
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.0), -- Size of the marker in X, Y, Z size
color = vector3(120, 120, 240), -- Color of the marker in R, G, B
position = vector3(200.51, -1013.96, -99.0) -- Position of the marker
whitelistVehicles = { -- Want to just whitelist certain vehicles for a specific garage ? It's here !
enable = false, -- false = whitelist system disable, true = whitelist system enable
vehicles = { -- whitelist vehicles list with hash (a hash is the number that represents the vehicle)
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash
blackListVehicles = { -- Hash list of vehicles blacklist from the garage, a hash is the number that represents the vehicle
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash
[3] = { -- ID of the garage
name = "56 Polovis Street", -- Name of the garage
price = 4500, -- Price of the garage
salePourcentage = 0.2, -- Percentage of the sale that the player will receive. (0.2 means he will get 20% of the purchase price of the garage)
friendlyfire = false, -- false = you will be invincible in the garage, true = the opposite
blipPosition = vector3(-791.63, 335.57, 85.7), -- Blip position of the garage (on the map)
blipText = "Garage - 12 places", -- Blip text of the garage (on the map)
blipColor = 5, -- Blip color of the garage (on the map)
blipSprite = 357, -- Blip sprite of the garage (on the map)
-- IMPORTANT: Always keep the decimal numbers otherwise it won't work
camera = {position = vector3(-803.84, 289.15, 90.1), heading = 339.35}, -- Camera position in the menu
spawnCoords = {position = vector3(240.32, -1004.86, -99.0), heading = 86.0}, -- Spawn position in the garage
leaveSpawnCoords = {position = vector3(-800.42, 332.03, 84.7), heading = 178.0}, -- Exit garage position with or without vehicle (keep it in mind, you must have enough spaces)
-- IMPORTANT: be careful with the positions in order to verify that all types of vehicle can spawn !
vehiclePositions = { -- Number of positions is related to the number of places in the garage
{position = vector3(233.24, -1000.41, -99.71), heading = 122.3}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(233.42, -996.62, -99.71), heading = 122.3}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(233.09, -992.64, -99.71), heading = 122.3}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(233.57, -988.52, -99.71), heading = 122.3}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(233.24, -984.4, -99.71), heading = 122.3}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(224.49, -1000.65, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(224.35, -996.83, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(223.71, -992.94, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(223.94, -988.64, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(223.76, -984.97, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(223.37, -981.01, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
{position = vector3(223.37, -977.24, -99.71), heading = 300.14}, -- Position of a vehicle
inviteFriends = {
areaPosition = vector3(-791.63, 335.59, 85.7), -- Position where you want the friends to be before you invite them to your garage
areaDetectPlayers = 30.0, -- Area around the position in order to detect players who wants to got into your garage when they being invited.
manageGarage = { -- All information about the marker to manage the garage (sell and invite friends)
marker = {
type = 20, -- Marker type (see for the list)
useDistance = 1.5, -- Distance between the Player and the marker in order to interact with it.
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.0), -- Size of the marker in X, Y, Z size
color = vector3(120, 120, 240), -- Color of the marker in R, G, B
position = vector3(235.66, -1006.3, -99.0) -- Position of the marker
whitelistVehicles = { -- Want to just whitelist certain vehicles for a specific garage ? It's here !
enable = false, -- false = whitelist system disable, true = whitelist system enable
vehicles = { -- whitelist vehicles list with hash (a hash is the number that represents the vehicle)
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash
blackListVehicles = { -- Hash list of vehicles blacklist from the garage, a hash is the number that represents the vehicle
[5599877] = true, -- Follow this example and replace the 5599877 by your hash