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Banking System



We highly recommend you to read carefully each step written below.

Don't skip any step, it could lead to a non-functioning script.

Follow these steps to install the banking system

  1. Download the script from KeyMaster.
  2. Download the "Library" script from KeyMaster.
  3. Drag the s1n_lib folder into your resources directory.
  4. Rename the s1n_lib-.... folder to s1n_lib.
  5. Drag the s1n_banking folder into your resources directory.
  6. Rename the s1n_banking-.... folder to s1n_banking.
  7. Start the lib by adding start s1n_lib to your server.cfg file.
  8. Start the banking system by adding start s1n_banking to your server.cfg file.
  9. Please insert the SQL queries in your database (you can find them in the s1n_banking/database.sql file).
  10. (QBCore Only) Please keep qb-banking in your resources folder and start it before s1n_banking. The script depends on it, you will be able to keep the exports calls from your other scripts to qb-banking.
  11. (QBCore Only) To disable the ATMs interaction on qb-banking, go on qb-banking/config.lua and set atmModels = {}. For the locations, just remove the coordinates from the locations table.
  12. Configure the script by modifying the values in all the files located in the s1n_banking/configuration/ script folder.
  13. Configure the library by modifying the values in all the files contained in the configuration/ folder located in the s1n_lib/ script folder.