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Banking System

Config file

There is also a config file in s1n_banking/server/config.lua that you can modify to your liking.

For both QBCore and ESX :

Config = Config or { }

-- To modify the loaded language file, go to the fxmanifest.lua file an replace `english.lua` with the name of the language file you want to use.

-- Set to true to show debug messages in the console
Config.debugMode = true

-- This is going to be removed in a future version because s1n_lib is going to handle the framework detection
Config.Framework = {
FrameworkName = "QBCore", -- Choose your framework: ESX or QBCore
QBCoreFileName = "qb-core", -- The name of the QBCore resource
OldESX = false, -- Set to true if you're using an older version of ESX which still uses the ESX event esx:getSharedObject
ESXEvent = "esx:getSharedObject", -- The name of the ESX event (if you're using an older version of ESX)
ESXFileName = "es_extended", -- The name of the ESX resource
SQLWrapper = "oxmysql"

-- You need to verify that the following scripts are exactly named like this or change the names here
Config.ExportNames = {
qbManagement = "qb-management",
qbTarget = "qb-target",

-- For both ESX and QBCore
oxTarget = "ox_target",

-- Dependencies
s1nLib = "s1n_lib"

-- List of all the available keys :
Config.Keys = {
-- If you're not using a target script, you can set the key to open the bank menu here
OpenUI = {
-- Refer to the first comment to see the list of all the available keys
Key = "E",
-- Distance from the location position (if it's a bank) otherwise from the ATM position
UseDistance = 1.0

-- Set to false if you don't want to use ox-target
Config.UseOxTarget = false

-- Set to true if you want to use qb-target
Config.UseQBTarget = false

-- Set to true to enable the bank card item feature
Config.CreditCardCheck = false

-- CreditCardCheck needs to be set to true to use this feature
Config.CreditCardGive = {
-- Set to true to give the player a bank card when they create a bank account if they don't have one
OnCreate = true

-- If CreditCardCheck is set to true, this is the name of the item that will be used to check if the player has a bank card
Config.CreditCardItem = "creditcard"

-- List of the ATM models that will be used to open the bank menu
Config.AtmModels = { 'prop_atm_02', 'prop_atm_03', 'prop_fleeca_atm' }

-- List of the bank locations that will be used to open the bank menu
Config.BankLocations = {
-- First bank
-- The position of the blip and marker (where you interact)
Position = vector3(-1212.685669, -330.764832, 37.772217),
-- Managing the bank blip
Blip = {
-- Set to false to disable the blip
Active = true,
-- The sprite ID of the blip (
Sprite = 108,
-- The color ID of the blip (
Color = 2,
-- The scale of the blip
Scale = 1.0,
-- The name of the blip
Label = "Bank",
-- Sets whether or not the blip should only be displayed when nearby, or on the minimap.
ShortRange = true
-- Managing the bank marker
Marker = {
-- Set to false to disable the marker
Active = true,
Distance = 1.0,
Type = 2,
Rotation = { 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 },
Scale = 0.4,
Color = { R = 222, G = 186, B = 77, A = 255 },
BobUpAndDown = true,
FaceCamera = true,
-- Managing the bank ped
Ped = {
-- Set to true to show a ped
Active = false,
-- The model of the ped (
Model = "a_m_m_indian_01",
-- The position of the ped
Position = vector3(-1212.07, -332.02, 37.78 - 1.0),
-- The heading of the ped
Heading = 24.0
-- Second bank (EXAMPLE)
-- The position of the blip and marker (where you interact)
Position = vector3(-1412.685669, -330.764832, 37.772217),
-- Managing the bank blip
Blip = {
-- Set to false to disable the blip
Active = true,
-- The sprite ID of the blip (
Sprite = 108,
-- The color ID of the blip (
Color = 2,
-- The scale of the blip
Scale = 1.0,
-- The name of the blip
Label = "Bank",
-- Sets whether or not the blip should only be displayed when nearby, or on the minimap.
ShortRange = true
-- Managing the bank marker
Marker = {
-- Set to false to disable the marker
Active = true,
Distance = 1.0,
Type = 2,
Rotation = { 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 },
Scale = 0.4,
Color = { R = 222, G = 186, B = 77, A = 255 },
BobUpAndDown = true,
FaceCamera = true,
-- Managing the bank ped
Ped = {
-- Set to true to show a ped
Active = false,
-- The model of the ped (
Model = "a_m_m_indian_01",
-- The position of the ped
Position = vector3(-1212.07, -332.02, 37.78 - 1.0),
-- The heading of the ped
Heading = 24.0

-- Credit feature
Config.Credit = {
-- Set to false to disable the credit feature
Active = true,
-- Default amounts that can be directly selected in the menu
Amounts = { 20000, 30000, 40000, 50000, 60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 100000, 150000, 200000, 500000 },
-- Percentage of the loan that will be required as a security deposit
SecurityDeposit = 25,
-- Different credit durations that can be selected in the menu
Duration = {
{ Label = "1 week", Time = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 },
{ Label = "2 weeks", Time = 60 * 60 * 24 * 14 },
{ Label = "1 month", Time = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 },
{ Label = "3 months", Time = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90 }

-- Configuration to access a society account
Config.SocietyRanks = {
-- Job name (Needs to be the EXACT name of the job IN LOWERCASE !)
["police"] = {
-- Job grades (Needs to be the EXACT name of the job grade IN LOWERCASE !)
-- Create: Set to true to allow the player to create a society account
-- Login: Set to true to allow the player to access the society account (if the account is already created)
["chief"] = { Create = true, Login = true },
["lieutenant"] = { Create = false, Login = true },
["sergeant"] = { Create = false, Login = true }

-- IBAN prefix added to the IBAN when creating a new account
Config.IbanPrefix = "US0"

Config.Timeouts = {
-- The time in milliseconds after which the player won't be able to accept a shared account invite sent by another player
AcceptSharedAccountInvite = 2 * 60 * 1000

-- The maximum amount that can be deposited, transferred or withdrawn in a single transaction
Config.MaxAmountPerTransaction = 10000000

Config.ChangeIban = {
-- The price to change the IBAN
Price = 5000