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ATM Robbery

Custom modifications

Adding compatibility with another script when a robbery has started

If you need to do things client-side, go to client/api.lua and look at the function NotifyPolice. If you need to do things server-side, go to server/api.lua and look at the function SendAlertToPoliceOfficer and SendAlert.

Example of adding compatibility with the cd_dispatch script

More information about the cd_dispatch script events can be found here

  1. Go to server/api.lua and look at the function SendAlert.
  2. Replace the function with the following code:
function SendAlert(coords)
TriggerClientEvent('cd_dispatch:AddNotification', -1, {
job_table = {'police', },
coords = coords,
title = '10-15 - Robbery',
message = "Robbery in progress",
flash = 0,
unique_id = tostring(math.random(0000000,9999999)),
sound = 1,
blip = {
sprite = 431,
scale = 1.2,
colour = 3,
flashes = false,
text = '911 - Robbery',
time = 5,
radius = 0,