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ATM Robbery

Config file

There is also a config file in s1n_atmrobbery/server/config.lua that you can modify to your liking.

For both QBCore and ESX :

Config = Config or { }

Config.debugMode = true

Config.Framework = {
FrameworkName = 'QBCore', -- ESX or QBCore
QBCoreFileName = 'qb-core',
OldESX = false,
ESXEvent = 'esx:getSharedObject',
ESXFileName = 'es_extended',
SQLWrapper = 'oxmysql' -- oxmysql / mysql-async / ghmattimysql

-- If you modified the scripts names used by this script in your resources folder, you need to change them here
Config.exportNames = {
s1nLib = "s1n_lib",

-- If set to false, the script will use ox_target

Config.UseQBTarget = false

-- If set to true, the script will use quasar_inventory

Config.UseQuasarInventory = false

-- If set to true, the script will use ox_inventory,
-- IMPORTANT: Go to Config.Items to adapt c4 item for ox_inventory

Config.UseOXInventory = false

-- If `enable` set to true, the script will use this item name as cash (to get the money from an ATM)

Config.CashItem = {
enable = false,
itemName = 'cash'

-- The chance of getting money from the atm, should be a number between 0 - 100

Config.GetMoneyChance = 50

-- The reward that the player will get for robbing the atm, the number will be somewhere around the min - max values

Config.AtmReward = { min = 5000, max = 10000 }

-- Enable / disable the option to rob the atm using a drill

Config.EnableDrill = true

-- Enable / disable the option to rob the atm using a c4

Config.EnableC4 = true

-- Enable / disable the vehicle whitelist system

Config.EnableVehicleWhitelist = true

-- All the vehicles that are whitelisted

Config.WhitelistVehicles = {
['futo'] = true

-- All the jobs that will get the robbery notification

Config.NotificationJobs = {
['police'] = true

-- Robbery notification timeout

Config.NotificationTimeout = 15000

-- Number of milliseconds after which the rope and atm are deleted when you finished the robbery process for an ATM.

Config.AtmCooldown = 20000

-- Progress bar durations

Config.ProgressDuration = { drillfirst = 7000, drillsecond = 7000, search = 5000 }

-- Robbery items

-- IMPORTANT: if you use ox_inventory, please modify 'c4' to 'weapon_stickybomb'
Config.Items = { rope = 'rope', drill = 'drill', c4 = 'c4' }

-- Distance to drill the ATM after drilling it from the wall

Config.DrillAfterDistance = 20.0

-- Minimum police online to start a robbery

Config.MinPoliceOnline = 0