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Billing/Contract System

Config file

There is also some config files in s1n_billing/configuration/server/

For both QBCore and ESX :

Config = Config or {}

-- The Framework (QB/ESX) is detected automatically with our script s1n_lib (If an error occurs, you can set the framework name manually in the configuration file of s1n_lib)

-- To modify the language, go to the fxmanifest.lua file and replace 'languages/english.lua' with the language you want (like 'languages/french.lua')

-- Set to true to show debug messages in the console or false to hide them
Config.DebugMode = true

-- You need to verify that the following scripts are exactly named like this or change the names here
Config.ExportNames = {
s1nLib = "s1n_lib",

Config.Keys = {
-- The key to open the billing menu
openBillingMenu = "E",

-- The permissions for the billing system
Config.Permissions = {
-- The permission to create an invoice as a company, view company invoices, pay them (what jobs and job grades can create an invoice as a company)
jobs = {
-- The job name (write it in lowercase)
["police"] = {
-- The job grade name (write it in lowercase)
["officer"] = true,
["sergeant"] = true,
["lieutenant"] = true,
["captain"] = true,
["chief"] = true,

-- The permission to review invoices of someone (what jobs and job grades can review the invoices of someone)
jobs = {
-- The job name (write it in lowercase)
["police"] = {
-- The job grade name (write it in lowercase)
["officer"] = true,
["sergeant"] = true,
["lieutenant"] = true,
["captain"] = true,
["chief"] = true,

-- All configurations related to the contract system
Config.Contract = {
closestPlayer = {
-- Distance to which the seller needs to be close to another player to create a contract
distance = 10.0,

closestOwnedVehicle = {
-- Distance to which tge seller needs to be close to his vehicle to create a contract for it
distance = 10.0,

-- All configurations related to the invoice system
Config.Invoice = {
-- All configurations related to the VAT system
vat = {
-- Enable or disable the VAT system
enabled = false,

-- The tax rate for the invoices (Must be a number between 0 and 1, example: 0.2 = 20%)
rate = 0.2,

-- The exact name of the company which will receive the VAT (If empty, the VAT won't be send to anyone but still be applied)
-- If you're using ESX, you need to use the following name: "society_<job_name>" (example: "society_police")
beneficiaryCompany = ""

-- The default items which can be selected when creating an invoice
defaultItems = {
name = "Gave him a ride",
name = "Helped him with his car",
name = "Gave him a repair kit",
name = "Other",

-- The items which can be selected when creating an invoice for a specific job
jobsItems = {
["police"] = {
defaultItems = {
name = "Reckless Driving",
name = "Speeding",
name = "Parking Violation",
name = "Illegal Parking",
name = "Driving Without a License",
name = "Driving Without Insurance",
name = "Driving Without Registration",
name = "Driving Without a Seatbelt",
name = "Driving Without a Helmet",
name = "Driving Under the Influence",
name = "Hit and Run",
name = "Reckless Endangerment",
name = "Resisting Arrest",
name = "Assault on a Police Officer",

note = {
-- The maximum length of the note when creating an invoice
maxLength = 40,