Government System
Config file
For both QBCore and ESX :
-- First of all, thank you for using my script. I hope you will enjoy it.
-- This is a configuration file, you can modify some parts of the script here.
-- It is important to read the comments to understand what you are doing and what you can do.
-- To modify the loaded translation file, please go to the 'fxmanifest.lua' file and modify the 'languages/english.lua' file to the language you want to use.
Config = {}
-- Set this variable to true if you want to enable debug mode (for developers and support)
Config.DebugMode = true
-- Framework settings
Config.Framework = {
-- If you use ESX, you need to set this to 'ESX'
-- If you use QBCore, you need to set this to 'QBCore'
FrameworkName = "QBCore",
-- The name of the QBCore resource, this is only used if you use QBCore
QBCoreFileName = "qb-core",
-- Set to true if you use the old ESX (not ESX Legacy)
OldESX = false,
-- If you use the old ESX, define the event name here to get the ESX object (by default it's 'esx:getSharedObject')
ESXEvent = "esx:getSharedObject",
-- The name of the ESX resource, this is only used if you use ESX
ESXFileName = "es_extended"
-- Scripts names for the exports
Config.ExportNames = {
s1nLib = "s1n_lib",
oxTarget = "ox_target",
qbTarget = "qb-target",
qbBanking = "qb-banking",
qbManagement = "qb-management",
-- Dependencies settings
Config.Dependencies = {
-- You need to set to true which target script you are using
oxTarget = true,
qbTarget = false,
-- You need to set to true if you use qb-management (for handling the accounts money)
qbManagement = true,
-- Events names used (ONLY change it if you know what you are doing)
Config.Events = {
qbManagement = {
removeAccountMoney = "qb-bossmenu:server:removeAccountMoney"
esxAddonAccount = {
getSharedAccount = "esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount"
-- Set the interval in minutes to check for business tax due and remove it from the society account
Config.IntervalBusinessTaxCheck = 10
-- These are the groups that have access to the commands
Config.AdminGroups = {
-- Example:
-- Only modify "groupName" by the name of the group you want to give access to the commands
-- ["groupName"] = true,
["admin"] = true,
["god"] = true,
-- These are the peds that will be created
Config.Peds = {
-- Here are all the features that you can use in the 'features' table
-- ["TaxationSystem"] = true,
-- ["AppointmentSystem"] = true,
-- ["EnterpriseManagement"] = true,
-- ["AnnouncementSystem"] = true,
-- ["DefconManagement"] = true,
-- ["FundsSystem"] = true,
-- ["AppointmentSystemNormal"] = true,
-- ["VotingSystem"] = true,
-- Set this to true if you want to make this ped only available to the government job
jobOnly = true,
-- The model of the ped
model = "a_m_m_business_01",
-- The coordinates of the ped
coords = vector4(1706.21, 3790.58, 34.77 - 1, 106.69),
-- The features of the ped
features = {
["TaxationSystem"] = true,
["AppointmentSystem"] = true,
["EnterpriseManagement"] = true,
["AnnouncementSystem"] = true,
["DefconManagement"] = true,
["FundsSystem"] = true
-- Set this to true if you want to make this ped only available to the government job
jobOnly = false,
-- The model of the ped
model = "a_m_m_business_01",
-- The coordinates of the ped
coords = vector4(1698.81, 3784.57, 34.77 - 1, 211.1),
-- The features of the ped
features = {
["AppointmentSystemNormal"] = true,
-- Set this to true if you want to make this ped only available to the government job
jobOnly = false,
-- The model of the ped
model = "a_m_m_business_01",
-- The coordinates of the ped
coords = vector4(1700.22, 3785.53, 34.77 - 1, 219.66),
-- The features of the ped
features = {
["VotingSystem"] = true,
-- Set this to true if you want to automatically add the jobs and grades to the database, otherwise set it to false and add them manually in your database (if you're using ESX) or jobs.lua (if you're using QBCore)
Config.AutoAddJobsAndGrades = true
-- Add the jobs that you want to use in the script (for the grades below). If Config.AutoAddJobsAndGrades is set to true, the jobs will be automatically added.
-- You can add as many jobs as you want
Config.Jobs = {
-- The name of the job (this is the name that will be used in the database)
name = "gov",
-- The label of the job
label = "Government",
-- These are the grades that you can use with jobs listed in Config.Jobs
-- They will be automatically added to the database, no need to add them manually (if Config.AutoAddJobsAndGrades is set to true)
-- You can add as many grades as you want
Config.Grades = {
["1"] = {
-- The name of the grade
name = "Governor",
-- The name of the job associated with the grade (this is the name that will be used in the database)
jobName = "gov",
-- The features that the grade has access to
access = {
["TaxationSystem"] = true,
["AppointmentSystem"] = true,
["EnterpriseManagement"] = true,
["AnnouncementSystem"] = true,
["DefconManagement"] = true,
["FundsSystem"] = true,
-- The salary of the grade
salary = 500
["2"] = {
-- The name of the grade
name = "Secretary of State",
-- The name of the job associated with the grade
jobName = "gov",
-- The features that the grade has access to
access = {
["AppointmentSystem"] = true,
["AnnouncementSystem"] = true,
-- The salary of the grade
salary = 500
["3"] = {
-- The name of the grade
name = "Treasurer",
-- The name of the job associated with the grade
jobName = "gov",
-- The features that the grade has access to
access = {
["TaxationSystem"] = true,
["FundsSystem"] = true,
-- The salary of the grade
salary = 500
["4"] = {
-- The name of the grade
name = "Government Agent",
-- The name of the job associated with the grade
jobName = "gov",
-- The features that the grade has access to
access = {},
-- The salary of the grade
salary = 500
-- Settings for the automatic voting system
-- The automatic voting system is a system that allows players to vote for a candidate.
-- <!> This system doesn't persist between script/server restarts. If this feature is already planned, it will be added in a future update.
Config.Voting = {
-- Set this to true if you want to enable the automatic voting system
enabled = false,
-- If set this to false, people already in the government job can't present themselves
presentEvenIfHasGovernmentJob = true,
-- The durations of the voting system for each grade ID from Config.Grades
durations = {
-- The ID of the grade from Config.Grades
["1"] = {
-- Sets the time duration for presenting oneself as the rank associated with the ID
present = 10,
-- Sets the time duration for voting for the rank associated with the ID
voting = 10,
-- Set this to true if you want to enable the draw system (meaning that if there is a draw, the voting will be extended)
draw = false
-- The ID of the grade from Config.Grades
["2"] = {
-- Sets the time duration for presenting oneself as the rank associated with the ID
present = 10,
-- Sets the time duration for voting for the rank associated with the ID
voting = 10,
-- Set this to true if you want to enable the draw system (meaning that if there is a draw, the voting will be extended)
draw = false
-- The ID of the grade from Config.Grades
["3"] = {
-- Sets the time duration for presenting oneself as the rank associated with the ID
present = 10,
-- Sets the time duration for voting for the rank associated with the ID
voting = 10,
-- Set this to true if you want to enable the draw system (meaning that if there is a draw, the voting will be extended)
draw = false
-- The ID of the grade from Config.Grades
["4"] = {
-- Sets the time duration for presenting oneself as the rank associated with the ID
present = 10,
-- Sets the time duration for voting for the rank associated with the ID
voting = 10,
-- Set this to true if you want to enable the draw system (meaning that if there is a draw, the voting will be extended)
draw = false