Job Center
Config file
For ESX:
Need help with the script ? Go into the support Discord
A verification that you bought the script will be necessary.
Config = {
debugMode = false, -- Set to true if you want to have the logs messages from the script
useESXExport = false, -- Set to true if you are using ESX Legacy
themeColor = "#FD86AB", -- HEX color for the theme of the UI
triggers = {
getESX = "esx:getSharedObject" -- Change it only if you changed it in es_extended
position = {
blip = {
seeDistance = 100, -- Distance to see the blip
position = vector3(-250.02, -971.38, 31.22), -- vector3(X, Y, Z)
text = "Job Center", -- Text of the blip
color = 5, -- Color of the blip (see
sprite = 457, -- Sprite of the blip (see
scale = 0.9 -- Scale of the blip
marker = {
type = 20, -- Marker type (see for the list)
useDistance = 1.5, -- Distance between the Player and the marker in order to interact with it.
position = vector3(-250.02, -971.38, 31.22), -- Position of the marker
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.0), -- Size of the marker in X, Y, Z size
color = vector3(120, 120, 240) -- Color of the marker in R, G, B
availableJobs = {
Job Template:
label = "Intitle of the job",
job = "Job name (same as if you would setjob yourself)",
grade = 0, -- Grade associated to the job, by default 0
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"}, -- (MAX: 3 elements) Main informations about the job
salary = 8000, -- Salary of the job
payInterval = "Hour" -- Interval of pay for the job
jobPosition = vector2(x, y) -- Optional (you can remove the line if you don't want the feature), set a waypoint to a location when applying to the job
label = "Medic",
job = "ambulance",
grade = 0,
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"},
salary = 8000,
payInterval = "Hour",
jobPosition = vector2(50, 50)
label = "Car dealer",
job = "cardealer",
grade = 0,
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"},
salary = 8000,
payInterval = "Hour",
jobPosition = vector2(300, 5000)
For QBCore:
Need help with the script ? Go into the support Discord
A verification that you bought the script will be necessary.
Config = {
debugMode = false, -- Set to true if you want to have the logs messages from the script
oldQBCoreVersion = false, -- Set to true if you are using the old QBCore function oldQBCoreVersion()
themeColor = "#FD86AB", -- HEX color for the theme of the UI
disable = {
marker = false, -- Disable all markers for blip positions
displayTopLeftText = false -- Disable the text on the top left of the screen
position = {
blip = {
seeDistance = 100, -- Distance to see the marker
position = vector3(-250.02, -971.38, 31.22), -- vector3(X, Y, Z)
text = "Job Center", -- Text of the blip
color = 5, -- Color of the blip (see
sprite = 457, -- Sprite of the blip (see
scale = 0.9 -- Scale of the blip
marker = {
type = 20, -- Marker type (see for the list)
useDistance = 1.5, -- Distance between the Player and the marker in order to interact with it.
position = vector3(-250.02, -971.38, 31.22), -- Position of the marker
size = vector3(1.5, 1.5, 1.0), -- Size of the marker in X, Y, Z size
color = vector3(120, 120, 240) -- Color of the marker in R, G, B
availableJobs = {
Job Template:
label = "Intitle of the job",
job = "Job name (same as if you would setjob yourself)",
grade = 0, -- Grade associated to the job, by default 0
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"}, -- (MAX: 3 elements) Main informations about the job
salary = 8000, -- Salary of the job
payInterval = "Hour" -- Interval of pay for the job
jobPosition = vector2(x, y) -- Optional (you can remove the line if you don't want the feature), set a waypoint to a location when applying to the job
label = "Medic",
job = "ambulance",
grade = 0,
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"},
salary = 8000,
payInterval = "Hour",
jobPosition = vector2(50, 50)
label = "Car dealer",
job = "cardealer",
grade = 0,
information = {"Hard Working", "Full Time", "Senior"},
salary = 8000,
payInterval = "Hour",
jobPosition = vector2(300, 5000)