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How To Use

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Default Types

  • success
  • error
  • info
  • warning
  • message

Default Positions

  • top
  • top-left
  • top-right
  • bottom
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right

Client side

To send a notification from a client-side file, use the s1n_notify:notify event:

TriggerEvent("s1n_notify:notify", {
type = "success", -- Modify the type by replacing "success" with the type you want (all listed above)
title = "The title of the notifcation", -- Replace "The title of the notifcation" with the title you want
message = "The text of the notification", -- Replace "The text of the notification" with the text you want
duration = 5000, -- The duration of the notification in milliseconds
theme = "colorful", -- The theme of the notification (colorful or white)
position = "top-right" -- Modify the position of the notification by replacing "top-right" with the position you want (all listed above)

Server side

You can use the s1n_notify:notify event to send a notification to the client from a server-side file.

Replace source with the source of the player you want to send the notification to. By default in a server-side file, the source is the player who triggered the event.

TriggerEvent("s1n_notify:notify", source, {
type = "success", -- Modify the type by replacing "success" with the type you want (all listed above)
title = "The title of the notifcation", -- Replace "The title of the notifcation" with the title you want
message = "The text of the notification", -- Replace "The text of the notification" with the text you want
duration = 5000, -- The duration of the notification in milliseconds
theme = "colorful", -- The theme of the notification (colorful or white)
position = "top-right" -- Modify the position of the notification by replacing "top-right" with the position you want (all listed above)

Example of a server-side file which sends a notification to the player who triggered the /testnotify command:

RegisterCommand("testnotify", function(source, args)
TriggerClientEvent("s1n_notify:notify", source, {
type = "success",
title = "The Notify System",
message = "Thanks for using my notify system! :)",
duration = 5000,
theme = "colorful",
position = "top-right"
end, false)