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Spawn Selector

Config file

There is also a config file in s1n_spawnselector/server/config.lua that you can modify to your liking.

For both ESX and QBCore:

Config = Config or {}

Config = {
-- Show debug messages in the console (client / server)
debugMode = true,

framework = {
-- The name of the framework you are using (qb-core, esx-legacy, esx-old)
name = "qb-core",
triggers = {
esxSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject",
esxPlayerLoaded = "esx:playerLoaded",
resourceNames = {
qbCore = "qb-core",
esx = "es_extended",
exportNames = {
s1nLib = "s1n_lib",

supportedScripts = {
illeniumAppearance = "illenium-appearance",
fivemAppearance = "fivem-appearance"
-- Show the button "Spawn to last location" if set to true
showLastSpawn = true,
-- Set to false ONLY if you want to show the UI multiple times with other scripts. (Recommended if you are a developer and know what you"re doing)
showSpawnSelectorOnce = true,

-- Every spawn locations
spawns = {
[1] = {
-- The name of the location
locationName = "North Motel",
-- The image link (optional)
--imageLink = "",
-- The image file name if you want to use a local image (put images in web/assets/ folder)
imageFileName = "1.png",
-- The location of the spawn
location = vector3(-85.97, 6325.62, 31.49),
-- The player heading when spawning
heading = 359.14
[2] = {
locationName = "The Farm",
--imageLink = "",
imageFileName = "2.png",
location = vector3(1930.53, 4925.14, 47.15),
heading = 318.96
[3] = {
locationName = "Port area",
--imageLink = "",
imageFileName = "3.png",
location = vector3(828.53, -3107.25, 5.9),
heading = 228.65
[4] = {
locationName = "Business area",
--imageLink = "",
imageFileName = "4.png",
location = vector3(-64.45, -786.01, 44.23),
heading = 322.04
[5] = {
locationName = "Digital Den Parking",
--imageLink = "",
imageFileName = "5.png",
location = vector3(-1324.91, -382.19, 36.67),
heading = 326.45

if == "qb-core" then
-- Used when creating a new character
-- Check the qb-apartments config.lua file to see the available apartments
Config.defaultApartment = "apartment1"
Config.defaultApartmentStreetName = "South Rockford Drive"