Vending Machine
Config file
For both ESX and QBCore:
Config = {
debugMode = true, -- Set to false to disable debug messages in the console
framework = {
-- The name of the framework you are using (qb-core, esx-legacy, esx-old)
name = "qb-core",
triggers = {
esxSharedObject = "esx:getSharedObject",
resourceNames = {
qbCore = "qb-core",
esx = "es_extended",
discord = {
enable = false, -- true = enable discord integration, false = disable discord integration
webhookURL = "",
username = "s1n_vendingmachine Logs",
color = 15844367,
title = "Player log"
-- List of all the vending machines
machines = {
-- The position of the vending machine
position = vector3(-708.1695, -909.9591, 19.215591),
-- The distance you need to be to use the vending machine
useDistance = 2,
-- The blip that will be shown on the map
blip = {
-- The sprite id of the blip (see all here :
sprite = 52,
-- The color of the blip (see all here :
color = 2,
-- The scale of the blip (between 0.1 and 1.0)
scale = 0.5,
-- The label of the blip
text = "Vending Machine",
-- Available categories : foods, drinks, others
items = {
-- The item name (must be the same as the item name in the database)
itemName = "sandwich",
-- The label of the item (will be shown in the menu)
itemLabel = 'Sandwich',
-- The price of the item
itemPrice = 4,
-- The category of the item
category = 'foods',
-- The image url of the item (must be a direct link to the image)
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "sandwich",
itemLabel = 'Sandwich',
itemPrice = 4,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "tosti",
itemLabel = 'Tosti',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "twerks_candy",
itemLabel = 'Twerks Candy',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "snikkel_candy",
itemLabel = 'Snikkel Candy',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "water_bottle",
itemLabel = 'Water Bottle',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "kurkakola",
itemLabel = 'Kurkakola',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "coffee",
itemLabel = 'Coffee',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "whiskey",
itemLabel = 'Whiskey',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "beer",
itemLabel = 'Beer',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "vodka",
itemLabel = 'Vodka',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
-- The position of the vending machine
position = vector3(-708.1695, -909.9591, 19.215591),
-- The distance you need to be to use the vending machine
useDistance = 2,
-- The blip that will be shown on the map
blip = {
-- The sprite id of the blip (see all here :
sprite = 52,
-- The color of the blip (see all here :
color = 2,
-- The scale of the blip (between 0.1 and 1.0)
scale = 0.5,
-- The label of the blip
text = "Vending Machine",
-- Available categories : foods, drinks, others
items = {
-- The item name (must be the same as the item name in the database)
itemName = "sandwich",
-- The label of the item (will be shown in the menu)
itemLabel = 'Sandwich',
-- The price of the item
itemPrice = 4,
-- The category of the item
category = 'foods',
-- The image url of the item (must be a direct link to the image)
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "sandwich",
itemLabel = 'Sandwich',
itemPrice = 4,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "tosti",
itemLabel = 'Tosti',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "twerks_candy",
itemLabel = 'Twerks Candy',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "snikkel_candy",
itemLabel = 'Snikkel Candy',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'foods',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "water_bottle",
itemLabel = 'Water Bottle',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "kurkakola",
itemLabel = 'Kurkakola',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "coffee",
itemLabel = 'Coffee',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "whiskey",
itemLabel = 'Whiskey',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "beer",
itemLabel = 'Beer',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""
itemName = "vodka",
itemLabel = 'Vodka',
itemPrice = 5,
category = 'drinks',
imageUrl = ""